Kyali & Connor's Wedding Day - Cherry Barn at Nugent Orchards, Frankfort, Michigan

Not one part of this day didn't feel perfect to me. Upon arrival, the first person I ran into was Kyali, our bride, who was already embracing her wedding day with open arms. So much love went into the planning of this celebration, from the flowers grown in a home garden to the heirloom bridal jewelry passed down generations. The entire day felt as easy as a summer breeze- maybe it was the actual summer breeze and beautiful weather we were blessed with.

This was my first time at The Cherry Barn, and I will confidently say it's on my list of top venues, now. What an amazing place to say "I do." When you picture an evening that makes your heart swell, this is the place I picture it happening at. The drive up to Frankfort, Michigan was wonderful. Driving through small midwestern towns, over rivers, by lakes, I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face from the moment I woke up to when I got back to bed. Northern Michigan, you have my heart!

And my favorite part of the day.. keep in mind this is my first year living in Michigan.. was when I got to hear the entire reception party crowd yell the line "It was summer time in Northern Michigan" from Kid Rock's song, All Summer Long. It was the cheesiest and happiest moment, realizing I had never though about or experienced those lyrics in such a literal way.

Gosh, what an amazing day.